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10 janv. 2006



060110b-1 executive functions; insight; problem solving [x1]
Better without (lateral) frontal cortex? Insight
problems solved by frontal patients

060110b-2 gesture; inforior parietal lobule; praxis; tool use [x2]
A Distributed Left Hemisphere Network Active
During Planning of Everyday Tool Use Skills

060110b-3 task switching; conflict effect [x2]
Cognitive Control Involved in Overcoming
Prepotent Response Tendencies and Switching
Between Tasks

060110b-4 action; Broca's area; mirror neurons [x2]
Functional Segregation within Pars
Opercularis of the Inferior Frontal Gyrus:
Evidence from fMRI Studies of Imitation and
Action Observation

060110b-5 optic ataxia; reaching [x1]
Cortical Control of Visually Guided Reaching:
Evidence from Patients with Optic Ataxia

060110b-6 action observation; body image; mirror neurons [x2]
Neural Systems Underlying Observation of
Humanly Impossible Movements: An fMRI

060110b-7 motivational incentive; spatial attention [x2]
Monetary Incentives Enhance Processing in
Brain Regions Mediating Top-down Control of

060110b-8 deception; lie detection; social interaction [x2]
My Body or Yours? The Effect of Visual
Perspective on Cortical Body Representations

060110b-9 body representation; EBA; egocentric/allocentric [x2]
Dissociable Roles of Prefrontal and
Anterior Cingulate Cortices in Deception

BRAINとかCerebral CORTEXとか,
Oxford Journalsのこの2誌がなぜかpdfダウンロード可だったもんで。

(もしかして,偉大なる図書館様はOUPと契約してinstitutional subscriberになったのか?


« 会議M+会議Q+会議R | Accueil | 時間稼ぎ »

01. BRAIN 【脳】」カテゴリの記事

03. ARTICLES 【篇】」カテゴリの記事


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