« 荒波に立ち向かう黄色い母子の図 | Accueil | E-WGの3 »

04 juin 2007

070604[mz1]Cogn. Ther. Res.,Vol.31,No.3

070604[mz1]-1 checking; memory cnfidence; OCD
Attentional Focus During Repeated Checking Influences Memory but not Metamemory

070604[mz1]-2 social anxiety; male role norms
Cognitive Bias in Men's Processing of Negative Social Information:
The Role of Social Anxiety, Toughness as a Masculine Role Norm, and Their Interaction

070604[mz1]-3 experiential avoidance; perfectionism; worry
The Role of Experiential Avoidance in the Relationship
Between Maladaptive Perfectionism and Worry

070604[mz1]-4 depression; rumination; reassurance-seeking
Rumination and Excessive Reassurance-Seeking in Depression:
A Cognitive–Interpersonal Integration

070604[mz1]-5 rumination; worry; repetitive thought
Repetitive Thought and Emotional Distress:
Rumination and Worry as Prospective Predictors of Depressive and Anxious Symptomatology



« 荒波に立ち向かう黄色い母子の図 | Accueil | E-WGの3 »

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03. ARTICLES 【篇】」カテゴリの記事


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« 荒波に立ち向かう黄色い母子の図 | Accueil | E-WGの3 »