« 位置確認と上下左右の動きの予測 | Accueil | 080125[bx1]衝動性と意思決定と前頭葉損傷 »

25 janv. 2008


080125[bx2]-1 visual threat; interpersonal space; social interaction; fMRI
‘Eavesdropping’ on social interactions biases threat perception in visuospatial pathways

(1)人物Bが→脅威的(ヤバそうな) vs. 非脅威的(ただの通行人)
(2)人物Aと人物Bの物理的距離が→近い vs. 遠い


Ethologists have used the term ‘eavesdropping’ to describe the way an individual animal can gain information about conspecifics by observing interactions in which it is not directly involved (McGregor, 1993). Eavesdropping provides a minimal risk, low-cost assessment mechanism allowing relevant information (such as an individual's status, aggression, or sexual desirability) to be gleaned before a direct interaction takes place. We propose that information gained from eavesdropping in human interactions would be particularly relevant for situations with a prospect of bodily harm. These results indicate that the human brain utilizes relational spatial cues, together with intimidating personal features, during observation of a person's behaviour around others. In everyday life this may ultimately contribute to an assessment of both the situation and the person (or category of person) involved.
(p. 100)


« 位置確認と上下左右の動きの予測 | Accueil | 080125[bx1]衝動性と意思決定と前頭葉損傷 »

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