« 080227[mz2]R34D1NG W0RD5 W1TH NUMB3R5 | Accueil | 080228[y][bx1]強迫観念と尾状核 »

28 févr. 2008


080228[mz3]-1 social anxiety; state anxiety; depression; effortful control scale
Relationships between negative emotionality and attentional control in effortful control
social anxietyはattentional control,depressionはinhibitory & activation controlの障害に関連。

080228[mz3]-2 compulsive buying; impulsivity; UPPS; urgency
Are all facets of impulsivity related to self-reported compulsive buying behavior?
階層的重回帰分析では"Urgency"がonly significant predictor。


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03. ARTICLES 【篇】」カテゴリの記事


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