« 清廉潔白さという自己呈示の方向性についての周囲の意見 | Accueil | 研究室研究会(院生)090521 »

21 mai 2009

090521[mz1]J. Anx. Disord. 23-6

090521[mz1]-1 trait anxiety; attentional biases; inhibition of return(IOR)
Attentional capture and trait anxiety:
Evidence from inhibition of return


090521[mz1]-2 checking compulsions; prospective memory
Sub-clinical compulsive checkers show impaired performance on
habitual, event- and time-cued episodic prospective memory tasks

確認強迫傾向の高さと,展望記憶(prospective memory)の弱さとの関係を,

090521[mz1]-3 OCD; inferential confusion
Inferential confusion, obsessive beliefs, and obsessive-compulsive symptoms:
A replication and extension

inferential confusion

090521[mz1]-4 illness attitude; hypochondriasis; health anxiety
Reexamining the domain of hypochondriasis:
Comparing the Illness Attitudes Scale to other approaches



« 清廉潔白さという自己呈示の方向性についての周囲の意見 | Accueil | 研究室研究会(院生)090521 »

02. MIND 【心】」カテゴリの記事

03. ARTICLES 【篇】」カテゴリの記事


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« 清廉潔白さという自己呈示の方向性についての周囲の意見 | Accueil | 研究室研究会(院生)090521 »