101125[mz1] TAF→OC symptoms
101125[mz1]-1 thought-action fusion; thought suppression; inflated sense of responsibility; OCD
How Does Thought-Action Fusion Relate to Responsibility Attitudes and
Thought Suppression to Aggravate the Obsessive-Compulsive Symptoms?
thought-action fusion(TAF:思考行為混同)
thought suppression(思考抑制)
inflated sense of responsibility(責任感覚の増大)
obsessive-compulsive symptoms(OC symptoms:強迫観念・強迫行為症状)
TAF-marality → inflated sense of responsibility → OC symptoms というルート
(Figure 1)と,
TAF-likelihood → thought suppression → OC symptoms というルート
(Figure 2)。
「 02. MIND 【心】」カテゴリの記事
- 120724[mz1] Cogn. Ther. Res. 36-4(2012.07.24)
- 120514[mz1] Cogn. Ther. Res. 36-3(2012.05.14)
- 120506[mz1] Behav. Res. Ther. 50-06(2012.05.06)
- 120506[mz3] そういうWebサイトのプロフィール画像で赤い服の女性は…(2012.05.06)
- 120425[mz1] J.Behav.Ther.Exp.Psychiatry 43-3(2012.04.25)
「 03. ARTICLES 【篇】」カテゴリの記事
- 120724[mz1] Cogn. Ther. Res. 36-4(2012.07.24)
- 神経心理学演習12-10(2012.05.22)
- 神経心理学演習12-9(2012.05.22)
- 神経心理学演習12-6(2012.05.08)
- 神経心理学演習12-5(2012.05.08)
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