110501[mz1] J.Behav.Ther.Exp.Psychiatry 42-3
110501[mz1]-1 OCD; perseverative reasoning; uncertainty
Obsessive-compulsive-like reasoning makes an unlikely catastrophe more credible
110501[mz1]-2 cognitive error modification; cognitive bias modification
Modifying cognitive errors promotes cognitive well being:
A new approach to bias modification
110501[mz1]-3 Single Target Implicit Association Test (STIAT); spider fear
Task-irrelevant spider associations affect categorization performance
110501[mz1]-4 OCD; growth curve modeling
Longitudinal aspects of obsessive compulsive cognitions in a non-clinical sample:
A five-year follow-up study
110501[mz1]-5 OCD; interpretation training
Training interpretation biases among individuals with symptoms of obsessive compulsive disorder
110501[mz1]-6 social anxiety; eye movements
Face value: Eye movements and the evaluation of facial crowds in social anxiety
110501[mz1]-7 contamination; disgust; OCD; exposure; safety behaviours
Exposure plus response prevention versus exposure plus safety behaviours
in reducing feelings of contamination, fear, danger and disgust.
An extended replication of Rachman, Shafran, Radomsky & Zysk (2011)
110501[mz1]-8 optimism; best possible self(BPS)
Become more optimistic by imagining a best possible self:
Effects of a two week intervention
110501[mz1]-9 tonic immobility; attentional control; intrusions
Attentional control affects the relationship between tonic immobility and intrusive memories
110501[mz1]-10 food; overeating; impulsivity; inhibition
Overcoming the urge to splurge:
Influencing eating behavior by manipulating inhibitory control
110501[mz1]-11 contamination; disgust; OCD; exposure; safety behaviours
Reducing contamination by exposure plus safety behaviour
7と11は,「安全行動」safety behavioursがそんなに悪くないという話でしょうか。
「 02. MIND 【心】」カテゴリの記事
- 120724[mz1] Cogn. Ther. Res. 36-4(2012.07.24)
- 120514[mz1] Cogn. Ther. Res. 36-3(2012.05.14)
- 120506[mz1] Behav. Res. Ther. 50-06(2012.05.06)
- 120506[mz3] そういうWebサイトのプロフィール画像で赤い服の女性は…(2012.05.06)
- 120425[mz1] J.Behav.Ther.Exp.Psychiatry 43-3(2012.04.25)
「 03. ARTICLES 【篇】」カテゴリの記事
- 120724[mz1] Cogn. Ther. Res. 36-4(2012.07.24)
- 神経心理学演習12-10(2012.05.22)
- 神経心理学演習12-9(2012.05.22)
- 神経心理学演習12-6(2012.05.08)
- 神経心理学演習12-5(2012.05.08)
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