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14 janv. 2012

120114[mz1] J. Anxiety Disord. 26-1


ふるてくすとあう゛ぇいらぼー なので手短に。

120114[mz1]-1 spider phobia; cognitive bias; perceptual distortion
It was as big as my head, I swear!:
Biased spider size estimation in spider phobia


120114[mz1]-2 DSM-5; criteira; PTSD
Posttraumatic stress disorder in DSM-5:
Estimates of prevalence and symptom structure in a nonclinical sample of college students


120114[mz1]-3 excessive reassurance seeking; GAD; SAD; OCD
Excessive reassurance seeking and anxiety pathology:
Tests of incremental associations and directionality


120114[mz1]-4 cyberchondriasis; health anxiety; hypochondriasis
Cyberchondriasis: Fact or fiction? A preliminary examination of the relationship
between health anxiety and searching for health information on the Internet

健康不安=心気症 → オンラインで健康情報を探す傾向 → "cyberchondriasis"

120114[mz1]-5 depression; social phobia; social interaction anxiety; FNE; FPE
The hierarchical model of social interaction anxiety and depression:
The critical roles of fears of evaluation


120114[mz1]-6 dissociation; attention; memory
The effects of dissociation on information processing for
analogue trauma and neutral stimuli: A laboratory study


120114[mz1]-7 health anxiety; hypochondriasis
Should health anxiety be carved at the joint?
A look at the health anxiety construct using factor mixture modeling in a non-clinical sample

健康不安=心気症にはふたつのクラス, "anxious"と"nonanxious" が見出され,


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