« 電子レンジと炊飯器 | Accueil | 学校神経心理11-07&08 »

16 janv. 2012

120116[mz1] depression is like multi-tasking


120116[mz1]-1 depression; multi-tasking; attention capture
A load on my mind: Evidence that anhedonic depression is like multi-tasking



Table 3 の Attention capture score と Anhedonic depression の相関が有意で
Cognitive anxiety や Somatic Anxiety との相関は有意でないし,
いずれも error rates とは相関がみられない。
(Study2 と Study3 で正負の符号が逆)。

In conclusion, our results provide support for the notion that elevated levels of anhedonic depression
and multi-tasking are associated with comparable deficits in attentional control and the ability to filter
irrelevant distracting information. More generally, our results illustrate the potential utility of
integrating experimental and correlational methods in the investigation of basic cognitive phenomena,
as well as psychopathology.




« 電子レンジと炊飯器 | Accueil | 学校神経心理11-07&08 »

02. MIND 【心】」カテゴリの記事

03. ARTICLES 【篇】」カテゴリの記事


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« 電子レンジと炊飯器 | Accueil | 学校神経心理11-07&08 »